rethinking jails + justice wgte rjj

Since 2014, Lucas County has been reimagining the local criminal justice system and advancing a number of strategies to rethink and redesign the system to reduce jail time and increase equity for all while maintaining public safety. Beginning in January 2024, WGTE Public Media, in collaboration with The Board of Lucas County Commissioners and the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation Safety + Justice Challenge, presents “Rethinking Jails + Justice,” a 10-episode podcast, 5-part radio series, and two community town halls that examine and challenge conventional thinking about over-incarceration that adversely and disproportionately affects racial and ethnic minorities. Learn about the community-wide, multilevel process that was undertaken by stakeholders to improve processes and the solutions that have resulted in reducing the jail population.

Rethinking Jails + Justice: Podcast Series


Rethinking Jails and Justice Logo

“Rethinking Jails + Justice” explores the grant's impact, the future of reform, and features insights from law enforcement, legal professionals, mental health experts, researchers, and community leaders, plus advice for those concerned about themselves or loved ones.

Episodes include:

  • Who is in the Jail and Why?
  • First Contact - Law enforcement
  • Predicting Behavior Pretrial and an Explanation of the Steps in the Criminal Justice Process
  • Saving our Kids
  • Opportunities from Behind Bars
  • The Intersection of Behavioral Health and Criminal Justice
  • Racial Realities
  • Community Organizations
  • After Release: Reducing Repeat Visitors
  • The Future of Criminal Justice Reform

Listen Now

Radio Program

In this 5-part series that aired on WGTE FM 91, Jerry Anderson discussed the community's most pressing questions and concerns surrounding jail reform, incarceration, the justice system, mental health, police reform and many more important topics. Guests included academics, those advocating for change and those who have been through the system, all discussing some of the issues that exist in our criminal justice system.

The themes are:

Life After Jail + Wrongfully Accused - aired on FM 91 on Tuesday, April 30 at 7 p.m.
Youth, Crime + Gangs - aired on FM 91 on Tuesday, May 28 at 7 p.m.
Treating Mental Health + Addiction in Jail - aired on FM 91 on Tuesday, June 25 at 7 p.m.
Police Reform + Gun Violence - aired on FM 91 on Tuesday, July 30 at 7 p.m. 
Trusting in our Justice System - aired on FM 91 on Tuesday, August 27 at 7 p.m.


rethinking jails + justice wgte radio program rjj

Trusting in our Justice System

rethinking jails + justice wgte radio program rjj

Police Reform + Gun Violence

rethinking jails + justice wgte radio program rjj

Treating Mental Health + Addiction in Jail

rethinking jails + justice wgte radio program rjj

Youth, Crime + Gangs

rethinking jails + justice wgte radio program rjj

Life After Jail + Wrongfully Accused



Broadcast Education Association (BEA) - 2025 Award of Excellence: Rethinking Jails and Justice Podcast - Opportunities from Behind Bars; Jason Hibbs

Funding for Rethinking Jails + Justice is provided by


rethinking jails + justice safety + justice challenge